
AMVIA [Authorized Motor Vehicle Inspection Agency] are companies accredited or appointed by LTA to carry out vehicle inspection and to-date there are two types as follows

  1. Authorized to inspect private & light goods vehicles below 3.5 tonnes
    1. Dee Ace Motors –Lami
    2. Motor Management Services - Vatuwaqa
    3. Millennium Group of Companies –Nadi
  2. Limited to inspect private & light goods vehicle imported by permit holder [franchise vehicles]
    1. Asco Motors - Suva
    2. Carpenters Motors –Suva

A third type of which currently no company has been accredited is self –inspection agency and such are only authorized to conduct vehicle inspection of their company fleet.

Other Agencies – LTA also appoints & authorizes other agencies which include the following:

  1. Compliance Workshop
  2. Tinting Agency
  3. Coachwork Construction
  4. Coachwork Refurbishment
  5. Canopy Construction
  6. Taxi Meter Calibration [Safeway Electronics, Dominion Electronics, Kinstein Electronics & Doorson Electronics]