New Application

To get a Workshop License, you will need to fulfill some conditions. Below is the process of how you can successfully get a Workshop license.

Pre – requisites (Prior Condition before Application)

  1. Your current AMVD license must be valid

Checklists (What to carry with you when at the Counter)

  1. Company Registration Certificate
  2. FRCA TIN Certificate
  3. Company Profile – Directors details, address, phone numbers
  4. Proof of ownership of property or lease agreement (if premises on rent)
  5. Fire Compliance Certificate and OHS Certificate
  6. Financial status of the company
  7. FTIB certificate(if foreigner)
  8. Inspection ramp Checked(pictures)
  9. Customer waiting area(pictures)
  10. Reception area(pictures)
  11. Customer car park(pictures)
  12. Business License
  13. Statement from appropriate council/rural authority
  14. Police clearance
  15. Building Certificate
  16. LTA certified inspectors for all above agencies (annual renewal for inspector permit)
  17. Sketch plan of the location of the business
  18. Customs clearance for equipment’s Memorandum of Articles


1 Application fee TBD
2 Permit Fee TBD


  1. Fill in the application form (you can get this form online or at LTA’s office)
  2. Submit the application form together with the checklist (as mentioned above) to the Customer Service Officer (CSO)
  3. Once the CSO has updated your application in the system, you will need to pay the Application fees
  4. After you have paid the application fees, you will receive your receipt.
  5. Your application will go through the approval process
  6. Once your application is approved you will then receive an approval letter
  7. After you have received your approval letter, you need to pay the permit fee
  8. You will receive your permit through the standard and compliance officer

Summary Workflow

  • Applicaiton for Workshop