Renew Your Vehicle Registration

Vehicle registration should be valid in order for you to drive on the road. If you are caught driving a vehicle with expired registration, your vehicle can be seized and you will have to pay a hefty penalty. 
Vehicle registration should be renewed before the expiry date.

Pre – Requisites (Prior Condition Before Application)

  1. If your vehicle registration is expired, you will need to get a permit to drive first.

  2. Pay all your convicted TIN’s.


  1. Renew your 3rd Party insurance.


  1. Inspection Fees (Private) -$14.50
  2. Issuance of Inspection certificate (Private) - $14.50

  3. Inspection Fees (PSV) - $27.50
  4. Issuance of Inspection certificate (PSV)- $27.50

  5. Annual Registration- To be determine by the engine cc
  6. Road user Levy ranging from- To be determine by the engine cc


  1. Fill in the vehicle inspection application form (you can get this form online or at LTA’s office.)

  2. Submit the application form together with the Third Party

  3. Once the CSO has updated your application in the system, you will need to pay the Inspection fee above.

  4. After you have paid the Inspection fee, 3rd party updated and you have got your receipt, you will need to take your vehicle for inspection. LTA’s Authorized vehicle examiner will examine your vehicle and enter the result in their system. If inspection is failed, the Vehicle examiner will issue you the vehicle inspection test result sheet. You will need to rectify the defects, pay for inspection again and re-do the inspection.

  5. Once the vehicle has passed the vehicle inspection, the CSO must process the registration certificate (Wheel Tax Sticker).

  6. In the case where the registered owner has passed away, the Next of Kin (A person's next of kin is their closest living blood relative, including spouses and adopted family members) will be able to request for consideration within 1 year of death to allow for renewal of Motor Vehicle if the Probate or Letter of Administration is in process. Below documents must be submitted to CSO whereby the BM will endorse.

    a. A letter from Court/Law firm for confirmation of Probate in process.
    b. Death Certificate
    c. Birth Certificate/Marriage certificate of the next of Kin where applicable.
    d. Statutory Declaration for Defector
    e. Request Letter
    f. Letter/Statutory Declaration from children where only the children are the next of kin and the             spouse is deceased as well. This is applicable for cases where there is more than 1 child of the         deceased.

  7. If the vehicle was registered to more than 1 owner than the other owner(s) will be able to renew the registration within 1 year of death by providing below documents whereby the BM will endorse.

    a. Request Letter
    b. Death Certificate

Note: If you are not able to bring your vehicle personally, a written authorization for your personal representative to be submitted with your application.