
To get Minibus Permit, you will need to fulfil some conditions. Below is the process of how you can successfully get a Minibus Permit.

Pre-Requisites (Prior Conditions Before Applying)

  1. You should be a Fiji Citizen
  2. Your age should be greater than 21
  3. All convicted TINS are cleared

 Check List: 




Application form to be completely filled & Application fee of $69.00 to be paid only when all checklist requirements are fully met.


 Police clearance report


 Latest FEA, telephone or water Bill & rural applicants to produce confirmation of address from officer in charge of their Postal agency.


One (1) recent identical passport size photos


Original birth certificate (applicant to be 21 years and above)




Original Base Letters (originating & terminating point) with sketch map of both stands;

Consent Letter from I-Taukei Land Trust Board (ITLTB) if location of proposed stand/base is situated outside the village boundary with proper parking and waiting area.

Consent Letter from I-Taukei Affairs if location
of proposed stand/base is situated within the village boundary together with consent of villages in its meeting or Minute of meeting with proper parking and waiting area.


For Limited Liability company- Company Registration Certificate, Memorandum and Articles of Association to be provided. Application Form to be stamped and signed by at least 2 Directors of the company. (1 recent passport size of the Directors)


 Support letters for the proposed service


For Civil Servants and Police Officers, they must

obtain a letter of clearance from their Permanent Secretary and Commissioner of Police, respectively.


Confirmation letter from Immigration Department on PR status for non-Citizens.


 Tax & FNPF Compliance Certificates


  1. Application Fee $69.00
  2. Permit Fee$10.00


  1. When checklist is fulfilled and submitted, the LTA will carry out the following process:
    • Review documents with the checklist;
    • Authenticate the documents with relevant stakeholders;
    • Verify other information necessary to determine the application;
    • For amendment to existing permit, submitted documents will be verified with current LTA record; and
    • When documentations are verified and assessed, customers will be contacted to formally apply.
  2. The successful applicant then formally applies for the PSV Permit and the application is sent to the PSV TL for second verification.
    • If not successful, the applicant is informed about the flaws in the application. 
  3. Upon successful verification, the applicant is given a newspaper advertisement to be advertise in the daily newspaper and bring back the cutting of the advertisement to the LTA.
  4. LTA will then wait for 14 days to see if any person supports or objects the application. The Authority will only consider objection received from the same permit type.
  5. After this, your application will travel through the approval process
  6. If your application is rejected, you will be advised. LTA will give you a rejection letter
  7. If your application is approved, you will need to register a vehicle within 3 months from the date of your Provisional Approval Letter.

Summary Work Flow for all Types of Permit
