Change of Time-Table

Changing the Time Table under a permit is a major amendment. Before changing your Time Table, you should apply to the authority for approval. Below are the process for the application:

Pre – requisites (Prior Condition before Applying)

  1. Vehicle registration should be valid
  2. PSV permit should be valid
  3. RRL Guideline to be followed

Checklists (What to carry with you when at the Counter

This is most common in RRL :
  1. Change in time
  2. Extension of Route
  3. Ammendment of Route
  4. Substitution
  5. Addition & Deletion Checklist
    1. Request Letter for such ammendment
    2. Fleet Commitment
    3. Bank Statement
    4. Proposed Timetable
    5. Bus Bay Approval, Population Statistics for the Area


1 Amendment Fees $65.40
2 Permit alteration Fees $9.50
 3 Duplicate  Permit ​$4.00


  1. Fill in the application form.
  2. Upon successful verification, the applicant is given a newspaper advertisement to be advertise in the daily newspaper and bring back the cutting of the advertisement to the LTA.
  3. LTA will then wait for 14 days to see if any person supports or objects the application.
  4. After this, your application will travel through the approval process
  5. If your application is rejected, you will be advised. LTA will give you a rejection letter
  6. If your application is approved, you will need to pay the alteration fee and your permit will be printed.

Summary Workflow for all types of permit.

  • Change of Time-Table