
To get Hire Permit, you will need to fulfill some conditions. Below is the process of how you can successfully get a Hire Permit.

Pre – requisites (Prior Condition before Applying)

  1. You should be a Fiji Citizen or have dual citizenship
  2. Your Age should be greater than 21 years
  3. All Convicted TIN’s must be cleared.
  4. You should not be holder of 2 or more permits.You will ​then go for the interview.
  5. The CSO will check if you are eligible to apply for the PSV permit​

Checklists (What to carry with you when at the Counter)

  1. Details of other business or association with the holder of any PSV permit, including sharing of stands and other facilities.(if applicable)
  2. FEA, Telephone or water bill for address
  3. Latest 3 months bank statement ($1050 with vehicle, $6050 without vehicle)
  4. Business plan and cash flow for 12 months certified and stamped by qualified accountant
  5. Full Current medical report
  6. Population of the proposed area
  7. Company registration certificate
  8. Business License
  9. Confirmation letter from Municipal Councils or Local Authority
  10. Memorandum of article of association
  11. Application form stamped with common seal and signed by 2 Directors
  12. Vehicle Quotation (if vehicle is to be purchased upon approval of permit)
  13. Trade in value of existing vehicle
  14. Supplementary inspection if the person has a vehicle
  15. Details of other PSV operating from the proposed area
  16. Details of current permit held by applicant or family member.
  17. If civil servant,
  18. Sketch map of the stand/route /office facility and parking space
  19. Police Clearance – need only the receipt (applicant must be advised that if they have any convictions, their application may not be successful)
  20. Letter from Immigration- Confirming Fiji Citizenship
  21. FRCA TIN Letter
  22. Birth Certificate
  23. Binding Contract for three years from a Company that you will be providing service


1 Application fee $65.40
2 Permit fees $28.91


  1. Fill in the application form. Your client ID needs to be created in the LTA’s system. You will than go for the interview. The CSO will check if you are eligible to apply for the PSV permit.
  2. If you pass the interview, you will receive the checklist. If you do not meet the requirements, then application will stop.
  3. The successful applicant then brings the checklist and submits it to the PSV CSO for the first verification.
    1. If not successful, the applicant is informed about the flaws in the application
    2. If successful,
      1. The application is sent to the PSV T/L for the second verification.
  4. Upon successful verification, the applicant is given a newspaper advertisement to be advertise in the daily newspaper and bring back the cutting of the advertisement to the LTA.
  5. LTA will then wait for 14 days to see if any person supports or objects the application.
  6. After this, your application will travel through the approval process
  7. If your application is rejected, you will be advised. LTA will give you a rejection letter
  8. If your application is approved, you will need to register a vehicle before 3 months.

Summary Workflow for all types of permit.

  • PSV NEW Application